Posts Tagged asphalt repair

What’s the Best Way to Fill a Pothole?

What’s the Best Way to Fill a Pothole?

Potholes aren’t just an eyesore in your otherwise smooth asphalt driveway; they can also be a hazard as well. Left without repair, a pothole can continue to expand outward and down, causing pavement failure and potential vehicle damage or even a liability exposure to the homeowner. If you’re looking at a pothole that needs repair, you’re probably wondering what the best way to fill a pothole is? Depending on the pothole’s size, you can do it yourself if you have the right equipment.  To patch a pothole in an asphalt driveway, here are the tools you’ll need: Safety glasses Work gloves Chisel Hammer Tamper  Once you have your patch repair medium, it’s time to get started. Fall weather is the best time to fill in a pothole in an asphalt driveway, with temperatures between 50 and 65 degrees being optimal for the asphalt to set. Here are the steps to


Cheap Muddy Driveway Repair

Cheap Muddy Driveway Repair

Are you reminded of your cheap, muddy driveway every time it rains? Do you get puddles that turn into mud pits, rendering your driveway useless? If you’ve been wondering how to solve your muddy problem, we have a few solutions for you. Learn more about driveway repair here. Cat Litter If you’re looking for a cheap, temporary driveway repair to dry out your muddy driveway, cat litter will work. The clumping kind makes for the easiest cleanup; simply sprinkle the clean (not used!) litter in the mud and wait for it to do its magic. The litter will absorb the water over time, clumping as it goes. Sweep them up and toss them in the trash once they’ve done their job. Lime If you’d rather not sprinkle kitty litter in your driveway, a similar solution would be using lime instead. You can find both quicklime and hydrated lime in most